Sunday, December 03, 2006

Little Miss Sunshine

I have to admit that I missed this movie when it first came out. When I heard the title, I didn't know what to think, and I just completely missed out. However, thanks to the wonderful West Mall 7, I had the chance to see this movie in a second run. Produced by Fox Searchlight, the same company that produced 2004's Sideways, Little Miss Sunshine provides a great splash of comic relief in a year dominated by heavy-hearted films. Like Sideways, this film is comic, yet contains a lot of tragedy as well.

The cast for the movie is what stands out. Steve Carell plays a suicidal homosexual man who joins his sister and her family as they travel to a beauty pagent. Along the way, each member of the family comes to terms with their shortcomings.

The cinematography makes this film also work quite well. The choice of sweeping shots along with close-ups gives the film a polished look, yet keeps a sort of 'rough-around-the-edges' look as well. As of late, this film has begun to garner some Oscar attention, and if more of the juggernaut dramas fall to the wayside, this could definitely be a contender. A-.

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