Monday, March 19, 2007

Will the real Stan Grossman please stand up?

As I was bored out of my mind a couple weeks ago during a weekend blizzard, I decided to pop in one of my favorite films - Fargo. As I started watching it, I found that I had forgotten just how great it really was. What I also realized was that there was a blatant character similarity between Fargo and Little Miss Sunshine. A character who appears as a savvy businessman in Fargo, Stan Grossman, also appears in the film Little Miss Sunshine. Speaking to a film professor recently, I learned that the character reference in Little Miss Sunshine was probably more of an homage than an error in character. In Fargo, Larry Brandenburg plays the wealthy businessman Grossman. In Little Miss Sunshine, Bryan Cranston, notably from Malcom in the Middle, plays the character. Both characters are similar in that they are spoken of quite highly in each film, but they ultimately end up making the lead males angry.

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