Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Astronaut Farmer

Although this is not Billy Bob Thornton's finest hour, it's definitely not his worst, either. A combination of October Sky and Apollo 13, The Astronaut Farmer takes viewers to a small farm where one man's life long dream of going into space actually becomes reality. For the first hour of the film, it seems as though everything is right on track. However, it's the last third of the film that lets us down.

Sitting in the theatre, I couldn't help but think that one particular sequence was no more than a dream by the title character of the film. However, as the scene went on - and on - I realized that this was indeed an integral part of the film. While not spoiling the outcome, it seems as though this film sets one up for some disappointment. However, in the end it all works out. Don't expect greatness. C+.

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