Friday, May 04, 2007

Hot Fuzz

When I first sat down to watch Shaun of the Dead, I wasn't expecting much. However, what I got was a great film about love - with zombies. Needless to say, the success of that film has propelled its creators to try bigger and better things. Hot Fuzz, starring the same guys from Shaun, shows us just how flashy and manly we like our action movies. With a blueprint from filmmakers like Michael Bay and James Cameron, Fuzz sets up one sweet film that will surely be remembered.

The film revolves around Nicholas Angel, a no-fun cop who gets a transfer to a small community. While in the community, he uncovers a mysterious commonality between murders and accidents. For years the town has registered a high number of accidents with an extremely low number of murders. But Angel feels differently. Filled to the brim with cheesy action scenes and witty quips, the film works on so many levels. If you are a fan of action films, and you're willing to admit that they can be at times cheesy, this film will not miss. A.

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