Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Good German

Set in the style of the films of old, namely Casablanca, Steven Soderbergh's latest film The Good German falls flat. The story, which is a bit flimsy, is a story that has been done before. It's one thing to set a film in the style of earlier works, but it is quite another to actually copy the stories as well. The film revolves around a reporter, played by George Clooney, who attempts to help his old girlfriend, played by Cate Blanchett, and her husband get out of Berlin shortly after World War II ends. The story seems a lot like Casablanca, and the look of the film is clearly a copy.

There are, however, two redeeming aspects of this film. First, it is great to see Tobey Maguire play a different role for a change. He plays a young American who gets in over his head. He seems like a nice guy, but he shows an angry side as well. Second, the look of the film is a pure treat to see. Soderbergh goes after a new look for his film which turns out to be great. The black and white palate, coupled with the minimal sets create the notion that I really was watching an old movie. B.

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